The research I did may still help others so I'll leave the site up, but my interests have taken me permanently away from HHO. Visit my YouTube channel at Download my latest HHO files at:

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

7.00 mmw and above?

Recently several HHO researchers have broken through the 7.00 mmw mark. It’s an inspiration for those of us who are still producing HHO at around 5.50 mmw. Even though no one has come forward to reveal their precious knowledge I think we need to be grateful that they have shown the possibility. How many variables can there be? Seriously if you can think of something I’ve missed, please comment.

Plate spacing
Surface prep
Leakage (holes in a dry cell and edges in a wet cell)
Type of stainless steel
Running temperature
Wire size

Sorry I can’t think of any thing else. Visit my Playlist of over 7 mmw videos.

What is it that these people have done right? How far can we go?

Bob Campbell
I love the smell of HHO in the morning

Monday, September 29, 2008

1.8% return of energy. Hey that's not bad!

Of course the object of HHO on demand is not to create energy to run your car. It's an additive to improve the ignition of the gasoline. The naysayers always want to reference to the law of physics that says you cannot get more energy out than you put in, but they have missed the point.

Now with that said, here is a very interesting experiment. How much return do we get from the energy we use to create HHO.

It's not really important to know, but this experiment shows that even with a respectable mmw of over 5.00 a return of only 1.8 percent can be expected. I wanted to mention it here because it is an interesting experiment. Thank you AllgoodAutomation for all your hard work.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Peter A. Lindemann, D.Sc.

I'm wondering what any of you above average, highly intelligent, creative people who read my blog have learned about the experiments done by Peter A. Lindemann, D.Sc.

In case you have never heard of him, Lindemann has written several books, each costing about $30.00. I'm tempted to buy his books, but wonder if he shows anything other than speculation. Some of his topics sound fantastic; maybe a bit too fantastic. Here are some of his titles

Tesla's Radiant Energy
Teal's Magnipulsion Engine
Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity

I've looked into American inventor Bob Teal. I have a video by Teal about his Magnipulsion Engine in my YouTube Playlist.

This type of information often lingers on for years with nothing ever coming to fruition. It's been a disappointment to me many times and makes me wary of these claims. Bob Teal claims to have contracts with several auto manufactures so maybe we will see something really great happen this time.

Lindemann's books can be purchased at the site below.

Bob Campbell

MMW Efficiency and Voltage

The ideal voltage of about 2.5 volts between plates has long been established. But it's nice to see it proven . This is the second time I've referenced Marks work today. I'd like to commend him on his diligences and the good work he has been doing down under.

Here are links to two videos by markj30 that clearly shows how mmw is related to plate voltage.

Bob Campbell
I love the smell of HHO in the morning

304 vs 316 Stainless Steel

Is it worth spending a little extra on 316 Stainless Steel?

markj30 has done some interesting tests that demonstrate that 316 is the way to go.

For a look at his experiment go to

I love the smell of HHO in the morning

Thursday, September 25, 2008

License Plate Electrolyzer

This is a sketch of my latest idea for an electrolyzer. The advantage would be that it hides comfortably behind the license plate. This would allow easy access as well as an advantageous position whereby the electrolyzer would be placed at a low level on the car. By keeping the electrolyzer low, the bubbler/reservoir would be easy to place at a higher location within the engine compartment.

By using 10 mil gaskets and 20 gauge 316 stainless steel the total thickness of the electrolyzer would be less than 2 inches thick. The plate where the plumbing is connected may have to be in the range of 03 gauge to accept the threads. The terminal plates could be made with tabs that are bent toward each other and overlapped to create a terminal bar. A terminal bolt would be inserted through the overlapping terminal bars.

In the drawing on the left, the positive and negative poles would need to be reversed so that the plate nearest the car is negative. This is shown correctly in the drawing on the right.

I’m afraid I’ve got a lot of construction work to on my schedule right now and may not be able to build this little gem for a couple of months. As always I want to put this idea out into the HHO community as open source and hope someone will go ahead and proceed with this plan. In my not so humble opinion I think this is a great design.

I'd like to hear your ideas and comments.

I love the smell of HHO in the morning.
Bob Campbell

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Bob Boyce - e-mail to Sterling

Bob Boyce tells about how he built an electrolizer to split hydrogen and oxygen using harmonic frequencies.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bob Boyce"
Sent: Monday, October 07, 2002 8:38 PM
Subject: GTcontact

Hello there

I just read your response to the message from someone asking why you're promoting a fraud (Tilley) and I must commend you on your response. There are a lot of closed-minded and narrow-minded people out there, most of whom were highly educated in traditional schooling methodology taught at most of the universities and colleges throughout the world. They get this doctrine shoved down their throats that if it's not documented in books and/or upheld by popular theory, then it's just not possible. Any attempt to demonstrate such technology usually falls on deaf ears and blind eyes because they refuse to adjust their thinking to accept that maybe something may be possible after all.

I learned the hard way about how society treats those that dare to do something different. I'm not seeking publicity or recognition for any research I did, just wanted to privately relate my experiences with you and ask that you please not publish or share this with anyone.

I had an electronics business down in south Florida where I owned and sponsored a small boat race team through my business starting in 1988. We had a machine shop out back of my business for doing engine work, and I worked on engines for other racers and a local minisub research outfit that was building surface running drone type boats for the DEA.

I delved into hydrogen research where I was building small electrolyzer type units that used distilled water mixed with an electrolyte and I would resonate the plates for optimal conversion efficiency. I discovered that with the right frequencies, I was able to generate monoatomic hydrogen and oxygen, which when recombined, produces about 4 times the energy output of normal diatomic hydrogen and oxygen molecules since the process of combustion does not have to break apart the molecules first before recombining into water vapor. Diatomic hydrogen requires about 4% to air to produce the same power as gasoline, while monoatomic requires slightly less than 1% to air for the same power.

The only drawback was storage at pressure causes the monoatoms to start joining into diatomic pairs, and the mixture weakens, so it must be produced on-demand and consumed right away. I used modified LP carbs on the boat engines to deal with using vapor fuel. I even converted an old chrysler with a slant six engine to run on the hydrogen setup and we tested it in the shop.

I never published anything of what I was working on, and we always stated that our boats were running on hydrogen fuel, which was allowed, to avoid any controversy at the races. It wasn't until many years later that I found out what I had stumbled upon was already discovered and known as "Browns Gas", and there were companies out there selling the equipment and plans to make it. I had never tried to market anything, but I was plagued with trouble ever since I did the conversion to the old Chrysler and did a few test runs on it in the shop.

My shop, which had never had any major crime problems before, suddenly was getting broken into, and pieces of equipment related to the hydrogen project were getting vandalized or stolen. I thought it might be that one of the guys that worked for me might have leaked something to someone and they were trying to either steal the technology or stop me from working on it. I ended up shutting down the research, getting out of it all, converting the boat engines back to racing fuel and selling off the race boats. The break-ins stopped and I had no further trouble up until I totally closed the business and retired in 1991.

I was struck by lightning in 1995 and in 1997 I moved out of Florida, the lightning capital. I am now crippled with arthritis (which is common amongst lightning strike survivors), and recently I developed congestive heart failure/pulmonary edema. I may be weak in body but I am determined to try to stay as active as I can. I am currently stripping down an old 1984 dodge aries with only 29K original miles so I can convert it over to electric operation. I have been seeking all information I can find to be able to apply this unique charging arrangement that Tilley is using and to find out what type of electric motor would be best to use with it. I'm in the eastern TN area in the mountains so it must have enough power to climb the uphill grades and hopefully be able to regenerate on the downhill grades. So far I have found very little information on this. Any help you could provide to steer me in the right direction would be appreciated.

Thank you
Bob Boyce

Part II

Q. Would be willing to post your plans? I would be glad to host them for you if you are willing. (Sterling)

From: "Bob Boyce"
To: "Sterling D. Allan"
Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2002 3:34 PM
Subject: Re: from the trenches -- one man's experience


I doubt if I can find the drawings for them after this long but the device is fairly simple to duplicate. It requires a lot of plates made of 316 stainless so it will withstand the more exotic electrolytes that are more efficient, a plastic box to contain the plates, 1/8" spacers to keep the rows of plates apart, the electrolyte, and an adjustable frequency modified psuedo-sinewave inverter can be used for the drive electronics. I used 61 of the 6" square plates to give a large surface area and scoured the surfaces with coarse sandpaper in an "X" pattern to give a fine crosshatch grain to add fine sharp points. I found this improved efficiency as well. The top of the box had two threaded ports, a small one for injecting replacement distilled water, and a larger one for extracting the vapor.

Under the top cover sitting on top of the plates I cut a piece of plastic matting to prevent sloshing. It's very important to keep the total electrolyte level at or below the tops of the plates to prevent voltage from bypassing any cells and creating excessive water vapor. I placed a 5 PSI cutoff switch in a tee on the water injection port that shut the drive electronics down when the pressure in the unit hit 5 PSI.

This allowed the unit to be able to supply on demand without building up too much pressure in low demand situations. I built a bubbler from a large home cartridge type water filter housing to prevent any backfire from traveling back up the fuel feed to the unit. Without some sort of bubbler you run the risk of the unit exploding if a flame front from the engine flows back to it. I have seen copper mesh screens designed for welding gasses offered for use on plans I seen years later online for similar devices, but hydrogen has a much higher flame propagation speed so the copper mesh may not be reliable enough to risk using. Place the unit close to the engine to limit the amount of monoatom loss to diatomic recombination and feed the fuel vapor to the vapor portion of an LP carb system.

The carb will have to be modified for hydrogen use (different mixture rate than propane) and adjusted with the system running for best performance. The best electrolytes I found to use were sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide. While sodium hydroxide works well, it's much easier to get (red devil lye in most department stores) than the much harder to get but slightly more efficient potassium hydroxide. Whatever you do, be very careful of materials! Make absolutely sure they are compatible with the electrolyte used. Never use glass containers for mixing or storing potassium hydroxide!

I never had the chance to drive the test Chrysler on the road with this system. I had the rear end up on jackstands and ran the engine under no-load conditions in drive just to dial the system in and get an idea of how well the engine held up on the hydrogen fuel. I was going to get into more testing and eventually road testing but the first break-in happened. The control electronics unit was stolen and the chamber with the plates was smashed. I had 3 boxes built from Plexiglas so I was able to rebuild that again, and I replaced the control electronics with a modified inverter since most of the experimenting had been done and I had a pretty good idea of what I was doing and needed for frequencies and waveform by this time. I didn't even get to finish the re-assembly when the second break-in occurred.

This time they took the new chamber with plates before it was even finished AND the modified inverter, and they smashed the last remaining Plexiglas box that was on the bench. It was at this point that I gave up. I pieced the remaining Plexiglas box back together with solvent and set plates into it (I had enough plates cut for all 3 prototypes) but I never tried putting electrolyte into it for fear of leaks. Since I no longer had a working unit, and it was obvious that someone did not want me to continue with this research, I converted my race boats back to racing fuel carbs and eventually sold them off. I had spent many thousands of dollars in materials and farmed out machine work that I did not have the equipment to do and just walked away from it all.

I put the repaired prototype away in storage for safekeeping in case I ever decided to make a new box for it some day and I'm glad I did. We had one final break-in and nothing was touched, guess they couldn't find anything of interest, and had no more break-ins since, up until I retired and closed the shop. I brought the repaired prototype with me when I moved. Maybe I can find where I stored it and take a few pictures of it for you with my el-cheapo digital camera. I have no desire to start up with this project again. I prefer an all electric approach.

Bob Boyce

Part III

From: "Bob Boyce"
To: "Sterling D. Allan, Coordinating Managing Director"
Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2002 2:19 PM
Subject: Re: Bob Boyce info

Hello Sterling

Since your posting I have been deluged with emails asking for more information, which I have tried to respond to individually. Most are pretty much the same questions, frequency, waveform, and physical layout. I will try to clear up some of these points.

The unit does not use "normal brute force" electrolysis when operating in high efficiency mode. It relies mainly on a chemical reaction that takes place between the electrolyte used and the metal plates, which is maintained by electrical energy applied and stimulated into higher efficiency by the application of multiple harmonic resonances which help to "tickle" the molecules apart. I coined the term "electrochemical reaction" to describe the process and I called the chamber an "electrochemical reactor".

I used multiple cells in series to lower the voltage per cell and limit the current flow in order to reduce water vapor production. It relies on the large surface area of the total number of cells to get the required volume of fuel vapor output. In my first prototype of this design, I used a custom built controller/driver that gave me a lot of adjustability so I could experiment with multiple frequencies, voltages, and waveforms individually and compare performance.

The result was a pattern of 3 interwoven square waves rich in harmonics that produced optimal efficiency. When I had the basics figured out I realized that I could just replace the custom controller/driver unit with a modified inverter much easier than building one from scratch. When the original controller was stolen at the first break-in, I then experimented using a 300 watt pseudo-sine wave inverter that had been modified so the base frequency could be adjusted between 700 and 800 hz. The stepped sine wave output was fed through a bridge rectifier which turned each stepped sine wave into two positive stepped half waves.

Each of these half waves had 8 steps, so a single cycle was turned into 16 steps. The resulting output, while not consisting of intermixed square waves, was still rich in harmonics, and I found it much easier to dial in resonance than trying to tune 3 separate frequencies. The frequency range can change depending on the number of steps in the pseudo-sine wave of the inverter you choose since not all inverters are created equal. The desired effect is caused by the multiple harmonic resonances in the inverter output at higher frequencies. You will know when you hit resonance by the dramatic increase in vapor output. The frequency does vary a bit as to what electrolyte is used, the specific gravity of the electrolyte solution (how much electrolyte to water is in the mix), electrolyte temperature, water purity, etc.

Keep in mind that my electrochemical reactor tank was large enough to hold 61 plates of 316 grade stainless that were 6" X 6" each, spaced 1/8" apart, to create 60 cells in series, with the 130 VDC power from the inverter, through the bridge rectifier, applied to the end plates only. That gave 4,320 square inches of surface area, plenty of surface area to produce enough fuel for an automotive engine. The best electrolyte I found for efficiency was potassium hydroxide, and the electrolyte level must be kept below the tops of the plates to prevent any current from bypassing the plates and creating excess water vapor through heating. Distilled water was used to prevent contamination of the electrolyte which would result in reduced performance and efficiency.

I never finished the second unit for any engine run tests because the shop was broken into again and the second prototype and inverter were both stolen. The only testing I had managed to complete before the theft was the tweaking of gas flow while dialing in the inverter frequency. When the theft occurred, the pressure switch and water pump were not yet installed and the water injection port was blocked off with a 316 grade stainless plug. If the thieves tried to use it as it was, the pressure would most likely have built up to the point of the chamber exploding from overpressure, since there was no feedback installed yet to shut down the applied power at 5 PSI. I certainly would not liked to have been around when that much hydrogen and oxygen as well as extremely nasty electrolyte let loose!

Now on to the mechanical details. On my unit I had 316 grade stainless wires tack welded to the tops of the end plates, and tack welded to 316 grade stainless bolts that were through holes in the ends of the container, with rubber o-ring gaskets inside and out, above liquid level. If I remember right cost was over $1000 on the 4' x 8' 316 grade stainless steel sheets and having them sheared into the 6" x 6" plates by the vendor. That was for enough plates to build 3 prototypes plus some extras to make up for the rejects that are typically unavoidable when trying to obtain precision cut material from a supplier. Inverter output was to be switched on and off to the plates by a 5 PSI pressure switch on the side of a tee at the water injection port.

There was a PVC spray bar attached on the inside of the chamber to the water injection port with tiny holes drilled along its length on the underside to supply replacement water evenly to the cells when the water pump was switched on. A backflow prevention valve on top of the tee would keep the gas from flowing back into the water lines. It was originally planned to add an electrolyte level sensor arrangement to automate the addition of replacement water but that point was never reached. Water consumption was fairly slow so it was not hard to keep track of manually.

There was a mat of interwoven plastic fibers (air conditioner filter material) cut and fitted on top of the plates to help prevent sloshing. Make sure to use plastic and not fiberglass mat, which could cause a severe reaction with some electrolytes, like potassium hydroxide. I made up this crude top view sketch with notepad. Each horizontal bar is a plate and the | + and - are the container walls except for the | in the ends which denote the electrical connections from the end plates to the outside of the chamber. You may have to paste it into notepad for the ends to look right.

(pos) plate
| #
|__________________|____________________| 1
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Bob Boyce

Friday, September 19, 2008

Ford will not let America have it's 65 MPG car

Ford Can Get You 65 MPG -- In Europe
stumble digg reddit news trust BusinessWeek | David Kiley | September 8, 2008 12:36 PM

If ever there was a car made for the times, this would seem to be it: a sporty subcompact that seats five, offers a navigation system, and gets a whopping 65 miles to the gallon. Oh yes, and the car is made by Ford Motor (F), known widely for lumbering gas hogs.

Ford's 2009 Fiesta ECOnetic goes on sale in November. But here's the catch: Despite the car's potential to transform Ford's image and help it compete with Toyota Motor (TM) and Honda Motor (HMC) in its home market, the company will sell the little fuel sipper only in Europe. "We know it's an awesome vehicle," says Ford America President Mark Fields. "But there are business reasons why we can't sell it in the U.S." The main one: The Fiesta ECOnetic runs on diesel.

Automakers such as Volkswagen (VLKAY) and Mercedes-Benz (DAI) have predicted for years that a technology called "clean diesel" would overcome many Americans' antipathy to a fuel still often thought of as the smelly stuff that powers tractor trailers. Diesel vehicles now hitting the market with pollution-fighting technology are as clean or cleaner than gasoline and at least 30% more fuel-efficient.

Read the full story here

::Read more automotive coverage at the Huffington Post

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Q and A

Q: What is the model # of your Sears 12V batter charger?

A: The Sears battery charger is the 225 Amp model. It has a small air compressor built in and cost about $130.

Q: How did you come to settle on the dry cell model? Was the wet plate set up just not cutting it in the efficiency area?

A: I like dry cells because space is a problem in most cars, and this seems to be the most compact design. It also solves the problem of current leakage, as the edges of the plates are not in a solution. By avoiding the current leakage at the edges; a higher efficiency is achieved.

Q: Are you currently selling the long dry HHO cell?

A: I am doing this research in order to market a product, but I'm not ready to sell anything yet. If I were to produce this cell for sale I would run the compression bolts through the gaskets and the plates rather than outside of the plates. This is more expensive to produce, but I think it would provide a higher quality product. I have had no problem with fluid leaks, but going through the gasket would make it even more certain not to have any problems. I would also use steel end plates in order to save about 1/2" of space.

I made this cell to fit into the bumper, or in front of the radiator of most cars, but I wanted to be sure that the convection would still cause the electrolyte to flow with such a low profile. Convection does cause the fluid to flow, but there is a slight advantage to tilting the cell so that the outlet is slightly higher. The best mmw I have archived with this cell is 5.76mmw in a vertical position.

I'm over loaded with remodel work as a building contractor right now, but in a few weeks I hope to have the time to run tests again. I have some interesting experiments in mind. I want to run three different experiments. Keeping the other variables constant I want to experiment with the effects of temperature, levels of KOH, and plate spacing to see how each change affects efficiency. I'll be posting the results right here.

Bob Campbell

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Bob Campbells Videos

These are videos I've posted on YouTube. My channel is

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Conductivity and Resistivity of Water

Below is a link to scientific research done on the conductivity of water at various temperatures. It's difficult to follow if you are not familiar with these principals of math, but the general idea that water becomes more conductive at higher temperatures is easy enough to understand. I post this here only as a reference for those science minded individuals who are inclined to study and experiment with these properties. - Bob Campbell

"The most accurate values to date were determined for conductivity of water from 0-100°C, permitting new determination of high-temperature hydroxide ion equivalent conductance. These values were incorporated into a fundamental water coefficient table including hydroxide and hydrogen ion mobilities, water ionization constant, density, conductivity, and resistivity. The conductivity/resistivity values were measured with a multiple-pass, closed, recirculating flow conductivity system, with improved multiple resistance temperature device measurement, and improved analysis of temperature and impurity effects. An accurate conductivity knowledge is necessary to understand water-limiting processes and to facilitate the analysis of trace ionic impurities in water."

Truman S. Light,a Stuart Licht,b,*,z Anthony C. Bevilacqua,c and Kenneth R. Morashc


Monday, September 8, 2008

The Resistance of Stainless Steel Plates

I brought this point up before. How does the resistance of the plates affect the efficiency of a cell? After watching a video by markj30 I knew he could help. He has built a long thin cell with connections at both the top and bottom. Here is the message I sent to him and his reply. I think this topic still deservses more attention.

My Message to Mark:
Considering the higher resistance of stainless steel. I'm wondering what would happen if I introduced voltage at both ends as you have. I'm hoping you will do that test for me since it appears that you could easily remove the leads from one end. If the plates had even .1 Ohms of resistance that would consume quite a bit of power as heat at 20 amps. I see this as a way of making a significant improvement in my design and would appreciate your assistance. Bob Campbell

Marks reply:
“I did not notice any real difference in MMW with in the connections at the top, bottom, or both. However I did not fully test to see whether I could draw more amps with both the top and bottom connected, having two leads instead of one however should help with overheating problems due to too much draw. If I come across anything interesting in this area I will let you know. The more efficient the unit, the harder it is to get the amps up, but you probably already knew that.”

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Conclusion To The Power Supply Dilemma.

In my previous YouTube video, I thought it was the pulsed current throwing my meters off and distorting the data. But Zero said “Well, I don't know if it's distorted or not. Think about it. Just because we're hitting it with peak voltage that’s higher than the RMS value, the RMS value is still the same. Wattage calculations remain the same.”

OK, now I’m thinking – how can I get my car to act like the charger? After all the production was higher and the efficiency much better.

Hmmmm… I think on this, and talk to my friend Richard who knows about car electronics and he says, “Your car has an alternator with diodes, it also delivers a pulsed output”.

The alternator operates like the battery charger. The diodes send a pulsed current to the battery. The idea that I needed a laboratory power supply with perfectly filtered DC output was wrong. I’m believe a battery charger with a battery will simulate the power system of a car better than a steady lab quality power supply.

Links to the YouTube videos:

HHO Test - Power Supply v.s. Battery

Re: HHO Test - Power Supply v.s. Battery

Re: Re: HHO Test - Power Supply v.s. Battery

Possible Breakthrough Stumbled Upon

Supplying similar voltage from a power supply vs. two batteries results in widely differing results. I made a YouTube video, intending to show the importance of a good power supply. But the unexplained results are most likely due to a pulsed DC voltage.

At first I thought this was causing my meters to read incorrectly. I asked Zero Fossil Fuel to comment and he pointed out that RMS values are valid. So then perhaps this is something to look into. Below are actual results of my tests.

Charger Only:
123.7F, 12.3V 14.15A 1LPM = 5.74mmw
Battery Only:
122.4F, 12.2V 5.97A .33PLM = 4.53mmw

Spiking the pulse voltage may be a way of increasing mmw.

Notice that twice the amperage is being drawn from the Battery Charger and that the mmw is 26% higher!

More research needs to be done with this idea.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Battery Charger and Power Supply too?

I’m disappointed with my pursuit to set up an HHO lab. I like to think outside of the box, and usually I’m pretty creative. I thought I could do it without spending a lot of money. So today I was telling a friend how great my new battery charger is. I even made a video to show the results obtained from battery vs. the big honking battery charger I just got. Look at my mmw!

But I was left with some serious questions about why these results should differ. Ohms law is the law. And my results flew in the face of it. Why? …. I was not able to get it off my mind. Then I thought about how the battery charger was getting its power from an AC source. So I stuck my AC Amp meter on the DC output and found that it measured a current. Oh No! My DC supply is pulsed. This has got to be why the amperage differs from the solid DC battery source. I’m back to square one or back to using my truck alternator for a power supply. Hmmm how about an electric motor to turn a car alternator…

Bob Campbell

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Update to Power Supplies

I wrote to Seboy2000 on YouTube today and he tells me that he is happy with his 550w ATT power supply. He's using it to supply 12v. If you are happy with that voltage I suppose it's good but I believe HHO demands a higher more realistic voltage for accurate tests.

I'm now using a 225 Amp battery charger from Sears. It was $130. There is plenty of amps and the voltage stays steady. There are several settings that provide voltage between 11.5 and 14.4 volts. I have to hunt around a bit to find a setting that gives me the voltage I desire as all of the voltages shift from session to sesion. but I'm always able to find something close to 13.6 volts.

To use it in the 'No Brains' mode you need to set the timer from between 5 minutes up to 135 min or HOLD. This is the best I could come up with and I'm happy! I think the price is reasonable when you compare it to everything else that's available.

My latest HHO generator

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