The research I did may still help others so I'll leave the site up, but my interests have taken me permanently away from HHO. Visit my YouTube channel at Download my latest HHO files at:

Saturday, May 9, 2009

I'll be back

Wow! I checked in after taking off for a few months, only to discover I have a bunch of subscribers.

I'm sorry I had no idea. My interests have been all over the place during the past few months, so I feel like I should to let you know where I'm at.

My HHO research has come to a stand still, but I'm not done. At some point I will build, and install the License Plate Generator in a vehicle which can be tuned to accept the HHO. My 94 Tracer does not allow for timing adjustment .

I'm currently of the belief that using simple stainless steel plates will never yield much more than 6 mmw. I have not built the Mars Cell with a ceramic insulator, but hope to complete that some day too. This may yield a slightly higher mmw.

Experiments with exotic surface treatments such as cobalt phosphate have promise, but may be far too expensive ($1000). We will have to see if that works well enough to justify the cost.

Please don't give up on this blog. I will eventually return, but I have other interests right now which I must pursue.

I did get my License Plate Generator on Auto Cad. If you would like to save the cost of that design work you can down load the Auto CAD Drawings with this link. Most CNC's charge for this service if you bring in a simple mechanical drawing.


My latest HHO generator

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